Reading List Nov 2k17

I haven’t been reading any new fuction over the last 2 months, instead I have revisited a few books which I felt needed a re-read. Amongst them is Stephen King’s IT which I read after watching the impressive movie. But still my initial difficulty in tracking the convoluted timelines remained, especially towards the ending. Now looking forward to the 2nd chapter if the movie.

Here is my reading list for this month.


One flew over the Cuckoo’s nest by Ken Kessey has been made into a very successful motion picture and my interest in its orginal story comes from the movie. As far as book adaptations are concerned I have always been a fair in judgement. Most avid readers find the books better. But for me, I also appreciate the amount of work directors and  writers put in to transform a book like Harry Potter or Lord of the rings into a movie. 

The book by Kessey falls short in comparison to the movie in keeping my attention. However the poignant beat of the story is much better highlighted to a reader than a viewer. If you are a fan of the movie you can and should read the book. For me it was a revealation. In fact this book tied up well with the book of Shutter Island also. 


Drained by E.H. Reinhard is a serial murder mystery with a no real mystery. The book opens with the serial killer in first person narration and follows the story till the obvious conclusion of the killer being caught. The characters are stereotypical and barely scratch the surface of the psyche of the killer. Overall a trash piece to be read and deleted immediately from the ebook library. 

 Malevolent by EH Reinhard is a police procedural murder story. It’s a simple book with a simple premise and very little in terms if mystery. The main character of Lt. Kane is poorly sketched and even after winning the day doesn’t engage the reader emotionally. 
To be continued …